Motorpsycho Nitemare - Bob Dylan / I pounded on a farmhouse looking for a place to stay / I was mighty
mighty tired, I had come a long long way / I said, "Hey hey in there, is there anybody home?" / I was
standing on the steps feeling most alone / When out comes a farmer, he must have thought that I was
nuts / He immediate looked at me and stuck a gun into my guts. / I fell down to my bending knees Saying
"I dig farmers, don't shoot me please" / He cocked his rifle and began to shout, / "Are you that travelling
salesman that i have heard about?" / I said, "No, no, no, I'm a doctor and it's true / I'm a clean cut
kid and I've been to college too." / Well in comes his daughter whose name was Rita / She looked like
she stepped out of A Dolce Vita / I immediate tried to cool it with her dad / And told him what a nice
pretty farm he had / He said, "What do doctors know about farms pray tell?" / I said, "I was born at the
bottom of a wishing well." / Well by the dirt neath my nails, I guess he knew I wouldn't lie / He said,
"I guess your tired," he said it kinda sly / I said, "Yes ten thousand miles today I drove." / He said,
"I got a bed for you underneath the stove / Just one condition you can go to sleep right now / that you
don't touch my daughter and in the morning milk the cows." / I was sleeping like a rat when I heard something
jerkin' / There stood Rita looking just like Tony Perkins / She said, "Would you like to take a shower?
I'll show you up to the door" / I said, "Oh, no, no, I've been through this movie before." / I knew I had
to split, but I did not know how / When she said, "Would you like to take that shower now?" / Well I
couldn't leave unless the old man chased me out / 'Cause I'd already promised that I'd milk his cows /
I had to say something to strike him very weird / So I yelled, "I like Fidel Castro and his beard!" /
Rita looked offended, but she got out of the way / As he came charging down the stairs saying, "What's
that I heard you say?" / "I said I like Fidel Castro, I think you heard me right." / Then I ducked as
he swung at me with all his might / Rita mumbled something 'bout her mother on the hil /l As his fist
hit it the icebox he said he was gonna kill / Me if I don't get out the door in two seconds flat / "You
unpatriotic rotten doctor commie rat." / Well he threw a Reader's Digest at my head and I did run / I
did a somersault as I seen him get his gun / And crashed through the window at a hundred miles an hour
/ And landed fully glassed in his garden flowers / Rita said, "Come back," and he started to load /
The sun was coming up and was running down the road / Well I don't figure I'll be back there for a
spell / Even though Rita moved away and got a job at a motel / He still waits for me constant on the
sly / He wants to turn me in to the F.B.I. / Me I romp and stomping, thankful as I rom / Without
freedom of speech, I might be in the swamp.